Help us maintain the
However you choose to join, you’ll be part of the team. The trail is not funded by rates or central government - it’s all up to us.
Trail partners are businesses who operate on the trail, meet our quality criteria and are committed to contributing to it’s long term sustainability.
Supporters are individuals, families and local businesses who care about the trail’s benefit to us all.
Volunteers offer time and skills to build, improve and maintain.
Trustees use their collective skills and experience to maximise the impact of every dollar, every person and every conversation.
Trail Partners
Is the Lake Dunstan Trail a key part of your business? Our Official partners are Qualmark certified, or demonstrate good business practices and customer service.
We actively promote our partners, and
their contribution helps with the ongoing maintenance of the trail.
Our Official Partners are businesses that directly use the Lake Dunstan Trail.
To become an Official Partner, the company should be Qualmark certified or be able to demonstrate good business practices and high levels of customer service.
Businesses such as shuttle companies, or smaller local businesses, are encouraged to become Trail Supporters.
Our Official Partners can use a special logo and marketing package. They receive regular updates and we actively promote our partner businesses on our website and on the NZCT website.
Official Partners can also attend virtual and in-person meetings, to receive updates, information and to discuss and share ideas and knowledge.
It’s all about team work!
At the start of each season, you make a tax deductible donation of $1,000 (GST incl). You agree to donate an amount per rider. We rely on your honesty and commitment to the future of the trail.
Trail Supporters
Our proud supporters join the
Lake Dunstan Trail community because they care.
Not only do they care about the trail as a unique asset to be nurtured for future generations - they’re willing to make a contribution to ensure its future.
Our Official Supporters are individuals, families and smaller local businesses who recognise the value of maintaining this unique asset for the long term.
We keep our Proud Supporters informed. Give us your email to receive updates and insights into what’s happening on the trail. We will also keep you informed about the progress of our other trail projects in the area.
You’ll also get a sticker that you can display on your bike.
The most important thing is that you are part of ensuring the future of the Lake Dunstan Trail - for now and for the next generation.
It’s all about team work!
Supporters make an annual donation (which is tax deductible of course). We have suggested amounts, or just donate the amount that works for you.
Individual: $25
Family: $50
Business supporter: $150
Business supporter: $500You can donate through our secure system using Stripe - click here to start, or by bank transfer if you prefer. If you bank transfer, don't forget to let us know through our contact form. Our account details are:
Southern Lakes Trails
06-0917-0704261-00Welcome to the team!
Lend a hand.
Working together, we can make change. We have groups and individuals in our community who are keen to lend a hand.
Get in touch and tell us how you’re keen to help. We’ll let you know about opportunities to volunteer.
It’s all about team work! Local community groups that continue to help us include the great blokes at Cromwell Menz Shed and the amazing people in the Mōkihi Trust who help with native planting.
Get in touch and talk to us about how your community group could help.
There are some amazing people who we are proud to say are part of the trail team. From families who pick up rubbish they find on the trail - and carry it out - to those who message us with issues they find on their adventure. Thank you for being part of the trail team!